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Puff Paint!

Some of you don't know how addicted I am to pinterest, I am actually very addicted and it is because of cool things like this, homemade puff paint!  You mix together 1C water, 1C flour, 1C Salt and food coloring.  I thought Charlie and Kayden would love it and they did.  Kayden mostly made blobs on his paper, but Charlie had fun making different stuff. 

Here are the pictures from our morning outside with the artists!

Their works of art turned our wonderful!  Towards the end Kayden started getting the hang of moving the paint bottle around so he didn't end up with a big blob on his paper, he kepts saying, "I make circle, I make small circle, I made big circle".  Too cute.  Charlie was able to make two in the time it took Kayden to make four!  :)  I think next time I might try to double the recipe, just because Kayden does use so much on each project, this way there might be enough for everyone! 

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