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Ashlie's Preschool Graduation

This past week there have been several festivities for my niece, Ashlie's, preschool graduation.  On Friday we had a BBQ at her school that included, games, bounce house, balloon artist, face painting, etc and then today my sister threw her a graduation party at a park.  Both activities were fun and Kayden really enjoyed himself.

At the BBQ he had fun playing some of the games.  He is getting to the age where his coordination is allowing him to be able to throw balls through holes, throw bean bags and get them to where they are suppose to go, etc.  So, it was a lot of fun seeing him be able to do these things.

In this game he was suppose to throw bean bags at the crows to knock them over.  He did pretty well at it.

Kayden isn't into face painting yet, but Ashlie liked it.  Here is a picture of her with her pink and black tiger.  Ashlie is very much a girly girl and loves anything that sparkles, is pink, purple, shimmery, etc.

After we ate lunch,the kids were able to do a craft and Kayden was super happy because he got to use markers, which up to this point, as been off limits and will probably continue to be off limits until he is a bit older.  Somehow he got marker behind his ear, on his chin, all over his arms and hands.  It was just about everywhere.

The BBQ was a ton of fun and Kayden loved every minute of it.

Today we went to a park and had a picnic.  There were all kinds of playground toys.  Kayden loves to swing so he did that most of the time we were there.

Ashlie and Collin had fun playing with the other toys and the dirt.  I think this picture of Ashlie is super cute!  Makes her look way too grown for her five year old self!

Katie loves playing with her cousins and she is very good with them.  She helped Colling climb up this purple dinosaur.  You can tell Collin and Katie where having a lot of fun with it.

Kayden just loves having Collin around.  I think he is happy to have another boy to play with.  It use to be that Kayden was really mean to Collin, but over the last six months or so, Kayden has grown to love his cousin.  If Collin was walking in the direction of the parking lot Kayden would run over and redirect him to the playground, even if Collin wasn't happy about it. 

It seems that Collin is still a little hesitant when Kayden is around because of all the mean things Kayden use to do to him, but with time Collin will grow to trust Kayden! 

Ashlie's aunt and uncle on her dad's side have a dog names Snowy and Kayden just loved that dog.  It was fun to actually see him play with a dog instead of being afraid of it.  He followed Snowy around everywhere, tried feeding her ice, picking her up, he even gave her a kiss.  It was fun to watch.

The kids loved playing with the basketball.  Kayden kept treating it like it was a soccer ball, and kicking it up and down the field. 

 We even threw the Frisbee once or twice.
 Here Kayden and Katie are saying good bye to Snowy.
We weren't able to stay as long as Kayden would have liked, but it was getting late and he still hadn't had a nap yet, so I decided to call it a day, a little earlier than Kayden would have liked, luckily he didn't throw too big of a fit!

We hope everyone had as good of a weekend was we did! 

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