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Kayden Is Four!

I officially have 12 minutes left before Kayden's birthday is over, so I am getting this birthday post in just under the wire, but that's ok, better late than never, right?

Today Kayden turned four, and although this blog post won't be accompanied with many pictures, rest assured that his pictures from his party tomorrow will make up for the lack of them tonight.

Kayden and I had a busy day today.  Went and met daddy for lunch this afternoon, followed by a trip to the pet store to get fish for his party, then back home for a bit before soccer practice and finally ending it with dinner at Red Robin with Christy and Dean! A busy, but fun day!

Hard to believe my little guy is four. I am eager to see what four has to offer, but am sad that he is growing up so fast!

Ok, onto the pictures from today!

A new dino jacket w/ help from Cindy.
Opening Auntie, Uncle Dean and Charlie's gift.
Yahoo, a fish tank! So exciting.
Lunch w/ daddy! This was Kaydens face while being sung to at Red Robin.

Ok, more to come in a few days!

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