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Kayden's First Day of Preschool 2013

Kayden is getting way too big way too fast.  As we approach four and leave three behind there are lots of things I am looking forward to.  One of those things is his new preschool, Steel Lake Presbyterian Preschool.  He has been really looking forward to it all summer.  One of the offerings of this school is Vacation Bible School (VBS) during the summer and it is something we took advantage of over the summer.  My hope with VBS was it would be a good, familiar start to preschool.  That when the time came, he would be more comfortable with being dropped off and that he might see some additional, familiar faces and, overall, I think it helped. 

A week or two ago I was prepping Kayden for preschool, letting him know it would be starting soon and feeling him out for his feelings.  I was happy to hear he was excited for school, his response was, "At VBS"?  And when I answered with a "yes", he said, "That's so awesome!"  So, I had good feelings about it.

At Open House last week he really enjoyed it.  We met his teachers, Mrs. Conklin and Mrs. Earlywine, along with some of his other classmates.  Never once did he show any concern or apprehensions about going to a new school, and that made me happy.

We made kids in his class little goldfish goodie bags with a paper fishbowl saying, "We are O-fish-ally in the same school" and made his teachers cookies with a tag saying, "This year is going to be sweet with you as my teacher!"  He was so happy to help make all the goodie bags and to pass them out to his friends and teachers.  It was such a good feeling seeing him happy about going to school. 

Here are some pictures of his first day.  Tomorrow will be a regular school day, today was a short day with parent orientation being done while the kids became more familiar with their classrooms, classmates and teachers.  And a perfect opportunity to go to the fair!  Kyle took the day off work to take Kayden to his first day and then to go to the fair afterwards.  It was a day full of firsts, Kayden's first day of preschool, Kyle and My first time to the fair together and Kayden's first time ever! 

Today has been awesome!
Last night while giving Kayden a bath I asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up, he looked at me a little confused by my question, so I said, where do you want to work when you grow up.  He answered with, "I want to work at daddy's work."  How cute is that?

Here is Blake, Emily and Kayden goofing off before school.  Emily was upset because her backpack was accidentally forgotten.  Thankfully dad was to the rescue and brought it before class started!

 Kayden and Emily are in the same class and Blake is in the other class.  Good times and years ahead with these three kids. 

The first thing the kids do while waiting for others to show up and before they start their school day is to do puzzles.  Kayden might get bored with this, we'll see.
And the last shot of the day with these three. 
I have other posts to catch up on and I will get to them soon.  Lots to catch you up on, zoo, Kayden's first soccer practice of the season and all the nieces first days of school.

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