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Kayden's First Soccer Practice 2013

I am a little late posting this!  Oops.

So, Kayden started soccer a few weeks ago, (on Uncle Charlie's birthday to be specific and thankfully he was in town to watch) and he is LOVING it.  His first game is his Saturday and it is going to be adorable.  Most of the kids on his team are around three and four with a few five year olds thrown in, so most of them are still trying to get the hang of it.  Not using their hands is tough for them and understanding you have to pass/share the ball is difficult too, they'll eventually get it, just a few things to learn is all.  I can't wait to share pictures of his first game!

Here are a few from his first practice a couple weeks ago.

The little kid with Kayden in the above picture is his friend, Evan, who we met when we were doing soccer at the Federal Way Community Center.
It's going to be a great season!

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