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I'm a Real Cowboy

"Mom, I'm a real cowboy now, I can't believe it!"  I'm not sure how many times I have heard that statement over the last week.  We went to Katie's tenth birthday party last weekend and Kayden has been dreaming about going back to the "farm" ever since we left.  He has been lassoing everything in the house and is trying to convince me to let him be a cowboy for Halloween instead of his, much desired, fire fighter costume he was interested in a month ago.  Sorry, he'll just have to wait until next year because this mama already got the fire fighter costume!  Sorry, child.

He tells me he is going to grow up to be a cowboy and has kicked his shark theme sixth birthday plans aside and is discussing the events of his cowboy party instead.

It's all about the cowboys around here.  I guess he is just channeling his real cowboy ancestors, as well as Great Grandma Sally, she was a real cowgirl you know!  It has been o-so-fun, I love watching him get so excited over things he is passionate about.

So, like I mentioned we went to Katie's birthday party last weekend and it was fun.  The kids, minus Kayden because he was too busy learning the lasso techniques, rode horses, and then chalked the horses.  It was my first experience with "chalking" a horse too, but the kids did it, and loved it.  They literally take sidewalk chalk and write/decorate the horses.  I bet Kayden's ancestors never did that!  Again, however, Kayden opted out of that activity so he could perfect his lasso wrist flick. 

It is hard to believe that Katie is old enough to be in the double digits.  Makes me wonder where the time really goes?  I mean, how can she be ten already?  And how can Kayden be the same age Katie was when he was born?  Oh, how I long for time to stop, just so I can keep him little forever!

Ok, so here are some pictures from the party.



It was a great party and Katie had a great time.  Happy Birthday, Kate!

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