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Sand Dunes and Moses Lake

Last weekend we were invited to join some friends in Moses Lake so the boys could play with their new toys.  I would like to say we had a great time, but to be honest it was a bit miserable.  The wind was so bad that the sand was flying everywhere.  I am sure I am being a bit dramatic when I tell people there was a sand storm, but it was pretty close to accurate.  We had sand EVERYWHERE.  We hid in enclosed trailers, cars and sometimes just endured the painful sand in the eyes and face.  When we returned to the hotel, we showered and still found sand everywhere.  As a matter of fact, almost a week later and I am still cleaning sand out of the dryer. 

I think Kyle had fun, and Kayden did too.  Sunday was much more enjoyable, thankfully, but we called it a weekend a little early, but Kyle got a ride in before we left so it wasn't all bad. 

We borrowed a small four wheeler for Kayden to ride, along with his new dirt bike and Kyle's dirt bike.  Kayden absolutely LOVED the four wheeler.  I am waiting for the, "Can I get my own quad, mom/dad." 

So, anyway, the weekend would have been great had it not been for the weather.  If we go next year, I am hoping for better weather, as is everyone I think!

It's hard to see Kayden's perma-grin under his helmet, but trust me there was one!

 People and kids that had goggles wore them to help keep the sand out of their eyes.
Kayden loved having Brody around.  I love watching Kayden have so much fun with the littles. 

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