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Pumpkin Patch - Dr. Mazes Farm

Last Sunday we ventured out to Dr. Mazes Pumpkin Patch.  It was a great day to do the patch, and apparently everyone else thought so too.  The sun was shining and the weather warm, so we headed out mid afternoon and were surprised to see the parking lot full, the shoulder of the busy road full and the check out lines long.  We should have been realized it would be packed and busy, but we made the best of it and were in and out rather fast actually.

Kayden was and had been crabby all morning, took him a bit of convincing to go, so I didn't push the you-wear-your-Halloween-costume-to-the-pumpkin-patch issue too far.  Since he was small I have always had him wear his costume to the pumpkin patch, he refused the year before last and then again this year, but have my fingers crossed he will wear his costume next year, and would appreciate any extra hands out there having their fingers crossed too!

Here are our previous Pumpkin Patch Trips.

Here are pictures from this year.

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