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Big Helper

Kayden has always been a big helper, helping dad in the garage or fixing something around the house, helping me vacuum or sort laundry, he's always so eager and willing to help. And I love that about him.

Today I was fixing dinner and he asked if he could help. Of course I said yes. So I lifted him up and had him sit on the counter.

Now, I know it's probably not the best idea to hand a three year old a knife, even if it's only a butter knife, but I felt comfortable with me standing next to him and all.

He did the whole thing, cut the cheese...sticks (haha), dipped them in milk then into the bread crumbs and finally lining them up nicely on the cookie sheet!

He was so proud of himself! And I was proud of him too! He's getting way too big too fast. First preschool and next culinary school? Who knows! :)

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