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Lowes Kids Workshop

Every other Saturday Lowes (home improvement store) holds free kids workshops. They provide all the necessary supplies and directions. Kyle has taken Kayden once before, but this time I was able to go too! It was fun to watch Kayden get so excited to operate a hammer! I know, kinda crazy to hand a three year old a hammer, but hey, my fingers in weren't in danger, kyle's were! Haha!

This week's project was a "mystery" Kit. When we got there we found out if was a Chuck E. Roller. Essentially it was a skee ball kit with Chuck E. Cheese as the theme!

Kayden wasn't happy about it. He kept saying, "I want to build a bird house." Once it was built and he understood what it was, he was happy!

And this will be the closest he EVER gets to a going to Chuck E. Cheese!

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