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First Day of Preschool's been a while, huh?  I have been having trouble uploading pictures to the blog, so unfortunately this post will not include pictures, and explains why I haven't updated the blog since Halloween.  Sorry 'bout that.  Hopefully I will get it fixed soon. 

Maybe I should back up first.  We hope everyone has had a great Christmas and New Year.  We really enjoyed our holiday here.  Kayden was a lot of fun to watch this year at Christmas.  He got excited with each and every present.  It was a lot of fun to watch and I look forward to each and every Christmas from this point forward.

This was the first year that we allowed Kayden to stay up until midnight on New Years eve.  We had a family poker game here and had a lot of fun.  The kids ran around and played and the adults had fun playing a friendly game of poker.  Right before midnight we went outside and the big boys blew up some fireworks!  Kayden didn't think that was so fun, but the rest of us enjoyed them.  Even as midnight came and went, and 1:00 a.m. came around, Kayden still didn't want to go to bed.  This kid needs very little sleep to survive, I tell ya.

So, now onto the topic of this blog post.  Kayden started preschool today.  We have been going, the last few months, off and on to a mommy and me preschool class and he has loved it, but today was his first day of "real" preschool, where he spent the whole two hours with his new teacher, Miss Christie and his classmates. 

It was a rather difficult morning for me.  I hated leaving him there.  Hated not knowing how he was feeling and what he was doing.  When I leave him with Nini or Auntie or Grammie I know that he will be well taken care of, but when I drop him off at school there are rules and restrictions preventing teachers from consoling and comforting children when they are upset, so I worry about him.  Kayden has a hard exterior shell, but needs and craves comfort when he is sad or upset or needs me.  It was, and is, hard for me to think about.

Kyle, thankfully, took the day off work to be there for me and to see Kayden off to his first day of preschool and I was really grateful and happy he was there.  It would have been really unbearable without him there.

Kayden did really well when we dropped him off.  He was uncertain about it, but he didn't cry, throw a fit or follow us out the door.  We found his name on the table and he sat in his seat.  We told him good bye and off we went.  I left him there....for two himself. 

And for the next two hours Kyle and I enjoyed a tour of the Federal Way Community Center (which is where Kayden goes to preschool).  I have been there many times, but never had a tour and I have to say, it's rather nice.  After that we enjoyed each other company while drinking a Starbucks coffee and chatting to each other.

Kyle and I got to class a few minutes before class was over and as we were waiting in the hallway Kayden caught a glimpse of Kyle through the window.  He pointed and said to the whole class, "that's my daddy!"  Kayden lost a bit of focus after that.  He was ready for class to be over.  He did well sitting in circle time until class was dismissed, but he definitely lost focus.  It was cute to see him get excited.

When we went into the classroom to get him, I asked the teacher how it went and she said well until about a half hour before class was over, where he went into use the bathroom and started crying hysterically for mommy.  Thankfully Miss Christie was able to distract him and bring him back to the activities they were working on, and he did well after that.

I am excited and proud of Kayden for entering this new phase in life and doing it rather well.  I can only hope that Wednesday goes better and there will be no crying, on either of our parts.  I won't be able to handle him crying as I walk out the door.  I won't have my better half there to hold my hand and be strong for me. 

And that's about all for now.  I hope to have the picture problem fixed soon.  I really don't like taking such a long break from blogging!

Ok, I was able to upload some pictured from my phone.

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