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Build-A-Bear.....or Doggy

We were fortunate enough to have a great friend get Kayden a Build-A-Bear gift certificate for Christmas.

We were able to take him today and he had fun!

Don't let his sad face fool you, he was having fun (just didn't want his picture taken), but didn't really "get" what Build-A-Bear was about. He wanted to take the sample dog home, didn't want to fill one, but once his doggy was filled Kayden began to understand what it was all about.

After we got him stuffed, he got a bath, then it was time to fill out his birth certificate, this is where Kayden named him Doggy Blue.

It was a very fun experience! Kayden had fun looking around at all the accessories and different animals. And he liked watching Doggy Blue get stuffed! It was way too cute to watch Kayden get so excited.

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