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First Soccer Game of the Season

Saturday marked the start of a new season in our house, out with swimming and in with soccer.  And man, is it amazing the progress these kids make in just a short year, straight up amazing!

Not to brag, and there isn't an official score keeper, but you know us parents will keep a mental note of it, and I have to say, our team won 6-2!  Go Sounders!

Kayden played so amazingly!  He scored two goals and will even tell you he made one goal with his "weaky" foot meaning his left foot.  This boy has some ambidextrous skills, I tell ya.  In addition to occasionally kicking with his left foot, aka "weaky", he also bats left handed in baseball!

Interesting child I have, and not just because of his ambidextrous ways!

Saturday was a busy day, soccer started the morning off, followed by the awards banquet for the Friday Night Series at Pacific Raceways, then ending with a birthday party!  Needless to say, Kayden actuall slept well that night!

I will follow up with the banquet pictures later this week.


First Day of Second Grade

Kayden had his first day of second grade this week.  Our district started on Tuesday, Sept. 5th, and I have to say, it started off well.  Kayden seems to really like his teacher and I'm happy with her too, even with the little interaction I've had with her.  I think they'll be a great fit together.

It was so hot on our first day of school this year that Kayden actually didn't wear a new school outfit, instead he wore athletic shorts and a t-shirt.  I'm letting him get dressed himself this year, and so far, over the summer, the outfits have been interesting.  But in all honesty, not having to fight with him to get dressed, or wear a specific outfit starts our mornings off on the right foot....for the most part.  We still struggle with getting up in the morning, but sadly, I think this kid takes after me when it comes to mornings.  Unless it's a morning where motorbike riding is involved, then there are no issues at all!  Shocking, 'eh?

Ok, enough babbling, here are the three pictures I was able to snag before he waltz into second grade.


Science Experiments

One day not too long ago, Kayden was complaining of boredom.  Since the neighbor kids moved away in May, he doesn't have any kids in the neighborhood to play with.

Well, one day in particular I decided to pull out his kid friendly science experiments for kids book that Nini got him for...oh, a holiday I'm sure, and see what experiments we could execute.  I wasn't thrilled at the idea of going to the store, so we needed to work with what we had on hand, and I'm happy to report we were able to find three things experiment with.

I knew once Kayden got started he would have fun, sometimes the thought of doing something doesn't excite him, but once he gets started it usually goes well.  The first experiment was "edible playdoh".  You microwave peeps (but we didn't have any so we used marshmallows), then we added powdered sugar and mixed it.  It makes a fun consistency and tastes a lot like a yummy fondant.

Dang it, I must have not taken any pictures of the playdoh with my camera, only my phone.  I did post one of his edible playdoh snowman on Instagram though!

The next one we needed shaving cream, a bowl filled with some water and food coloring.  The lesson: learning about clouds and rain.  The shaving cream represents the clouds and the food coloring represent the rain.  Once the "rain" got too heavy for the clouds to hold, it then started to "rain" into the water in the bowl.

And the last one teaches about how oil and water (the water is red in the pic above, it is actually food coloring to make it easier to see) don't mix, but if you add an egg yolk the three ingredients mix together and don't separate.  And this is because the egg yolk is an emulsifier, and can then blend the ingredients together and keep them together.

We spend a few hours doing these three experiments and had fun while doing it.  None of them were overly messy and I'm grateful for that.  Easy clean up.

I'll have to remember to buy some more mens shaving cream at the dollar store and let him have fun with it and food coloring.  He spent a great deal of time mixing the food coloring together and seeing how it all mixed.

Fun day!


Swim Graduate

Kayden graduated swim!  Yippee skippee!  We have loved being at our swimming pool and taking lessons each week, and I have to say, I think it might be Kayden's second favorite love....dirt bike riding, of course, being his first.

He mentioned wanting to do swim team, but I think we will take some time off and start swim up again in...oh, I don't know, maybe spring time or next summer?  With soccer having just started 2-3x's a week, karate two times a week, and dirt bike riding on random weekends, I feel we could use the break from swim.  Not to mention school is starting in two days!  TWO DAYS people. Ugh.   Sorry, for the shouting.  I'm still in shock with how fast summer went.

Enough babbling, here are the pictures from his swim graduation!

Ms. Katie and Ms. Connie

I'm so proud of Kayden.  We/He went from severely and deeply hating the water, baths included, but are now comfortable taking showers.  I call that money well spent, friends.