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Science Experiments

One day not too long ago, Kayden was complaining of boredom.  Since the neighbor kids moved away in May, he doesn't have any kids in the neighborhood to play with.

Well, one day in particular I decided to pull out his kid friendly science experiments for kids book that Nini got him for...oh, a holiday I'm sure, and see what experiments we could execute.  I wasn't thrilled at the idea of going to the store, so we needed to work with what we had on hand, and I'm happy to report we were able to find three things experiment with.

I knew once Kayden got started he would have fun, sometimes the thought of doing something doesn't excite him, but once he gets started it usually goes well.  The first experiment was "edible playdoh".  You microwave peeps (but we didn't have any so we used marshmallows), then we added powdered sugar and mixed it.  It makes a fun consistency and tastes a lot like a yummy fondant.

Dang it, I must have not taken any pictures of the playdoh with my camera, only my phone.  I did post one of his edible playdoh snowman on Instagram though!

The next one we needed shaving cream, a bowl filled with some water and food coloring.  The lesson: learning about clouds and rain.  The shaving cream represents the clouds and the food coloring represent the rain.  Once the "rain" got too heavy for the clouds to hold, it then started to "rain" into the water in the bowl.

And the last one teaches about how oil and water (the water is red in the pic above, it is actually food coloring to make it easier to see) don't mix, but if you add an egg yolk the three ingredients mix together and don't separate.  And this is because the egg yolk is an emulsifier, and can then blend the ingredients together and keep them together.

We spend a few hours doing these three experiments and had fun while doing it.  None of them were overly messy and I'm grateful for that.  Easy clean up.

I'll have to remember to buy some more mens shaving cream at the dollar store and let him have fun with it and food coloring.  He spent a great deal of time mixing the food coloring together and seeing how it all mixed.

Fun day!

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