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First Day of Second Grade

Kayden had his first day of second grade this week.  Our district started on Tuesday, Sept. 5th, and I have to say, it started off well.  Kayden seems to really like his teacher and I'm happy with her too, even with the little interaction I've had with her.  I think they'll be a great fit together.

It was so hot on our first day of school this year that Kayden actually didn't wear a new school outfit, instead he wore athletic shorts and a t-shirt.  I'm letting him get dressed himself this year, and so far, over the summer, the outfits have been interesting.  But in all honesty, not having to fight with him to get dressed, or wear a specific outfit starts our mornings off on the right foot....for the most part.  We still struggle with getting up in the morning, but sadly, I think this kid takes after me when it comes to mornings.  Unless it's a morning where motorbike riding is involved, then there are no issues at all!  Shocking, 'eh?

Ok, enough babbling, here are the three pictures I was able to snag before he waltz into second grade.

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