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First Soccer Game of the Season

Saturday marked the start of a new season in our house, out with swimming and in with soccer.  And man, is it amazing the progress these kids make in just a short year, straight up amazing!

Not to brag, and there isn't an official score keeper, but you know us parents will keep a mental note of it, and I have to say, our team won 6-2!  Go Sounders!

Kayden played so amazingly!  He scored two goals and will even tell you he made one goal with his "weaky" foot meaning his left foot.  This boy has some ambidextrous skills, I tell ya.  In addition to occasionally kicking with his left foot, aka "weaky", he also bats left handed in baseball!

Interesting child I have, and not just because of his ambidextrous ways!

Saturday was a busy day, soccer started the morning off, followed by the awards banquet for the Friday Night Series at Pacific Raceways, then ending with a birthday party!  Needless to say, Kayden actuall slept well that night!

I will follow up with the banquet pictures later this week.

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