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Swim Graduate

Kayden graduated swim!  Yippee skippee!  We have loved being at our swimming pool and taking lessons each week, and I have to say, I think it might be Kayden's second favorite love....dirt bike riding, of course, being his first.

He mentioned wanting to do swim team, but I think we will take some time off and start swim up again in...oh, I don't know, maybe spring time or next summer?  With soccer having just started 2-3x's a week, karate two times a week, and dirt bike riding on random weekends, I feel we could use the break from swim.  Not to mention school is starting in two days!  TWO DAYS people. Ugh.   Sorry, for the shouting.  I'm still in shock with how fast summer went.

Enough babbling, here are the pictures from his swim graduation!

Ms. Katie and Ms. Connie

I'm so proud of Kayden.  We/He went from severely and deeply hating the water, baths included, but are now comfortable taking showers.  I call that money well spent, friends.  

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