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Friday Night Series End of the Season Banquet

I just realized I never posted this event.  Better late than never, I suppose.

Kayden completed all but a couple Friday Night Series races at Pacific Raceways over the summer.  And he did quite well.  Well enough to get first place over all in one of his race classes. 

The banquet was help to recognize those riders who worked hard all summer and did well.  And Kayden definitely did both of those.

And here is his first place trophy to prove it.

I wish these kids weren't in the way of my picture!

It was a lot of hard work put in by all.  We appreciate Papa Jim's hard work all summer to help Kayden get to the races on time.  Without his help, Kayden might not have been able to race.  Thank, Papa Jim!

We're looking forward to Arena Cross Race Series this fall/winter.

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