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Skate Park

The day we did family pictures, Kayden asked to go to a skate park, so on our long journey home from Gold Bar we stopped at a skate park in Monroe.  He got a hand me down "cool" scooter from a friend over the weekend and he was dying to ride it!  And let me be the first to tell you, this kid has some moves.

He really loved being able to ride the jumps and do the different tricks...sorry for the vague descriptors, I'm not down with the skate park lingo!  And I'll be ok if I don't learn them.  And I'll be even better if Kayden doesn't end up hanging out at skate parks.  There are some questionable fellows that hang out there.  And I don't want Kayden to end up being one of those questionable fellows. (insert winking emoji here).

We lucked out with nice weather for our family pictures, as well as, Kayden's scooter riding!  I can't wait to show you our family pictures.  Hoping to get those back this upcoming weekend.  I'll be sure to share asap.

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