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Kayden's Eighth Birthday

I may have just wiped a tear or two away before it cascaded down my cheek while I typed the title of this post.  Eight, people, EIGHT!  How?  When? Where did the last eight years ago?  I remember crying when Kayden was two weeks old thinking, and ultimately saying to Kyle, "Wow, he is ALREADY two weeks old".  And Kyle looked at me and with a grin and a chuckle said, "He is ONLY two weeks old"!  And I think it was at that moment that I knew time would really fly with this little one in our lives, but I truly did not know how fast it would go, and it seems the years go faster the older he (and I) get.

Ugh!  Please stop growing Kayden and continue to stay little and sweet and innocent, pretty please with a cherry on top!

And we celebrated Kayden's eighth year with a shark themed birthday party!  And I have to say, I think it might be one of my favorites to date!

I wish I would have taken a pictures of the above decorations with the final table layout, but I put it together several days ahead of time and didn't think to take another picture on the day of and with the table decorated.  Bummer.

Didn't Charlie do an amazing job with the shark watermelon?  When Christy asked me if Charlie could make it, I was like "heck yes"! I was going to attempt to make it, but when Charlie was willing to do it, I was all game!  And she nailed it!  Way to go kiddo!

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