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Monday brought us to the much anticipated Legoland.  Kayden didn't really understand it, nor did he get excited about it, but I sure was.  I knew he would have a lot of fun and I knew, as a family, we would have a lot of fun, so I was was really ready for Monday to come. 

And Legoland did not disappoint.  This place was a. lot. of. fun.  Lego creatures and figurines all over, a life size SUV, little Lego waiting areas for the kids to play while the parents stood in line.  The whole park was very well thought out and toddler friendly.  I was amazed how many rides there were for little kids.  Kyle and I learned on our trip that our baby has turned into a longer a baby.  Ugh, when did that happen and why? 

He's showing us the way.  He is way better at reading a map than is mama.

Lots of cool Lego animals and Lego people.  I am very un-Lego savvy, so these animals and figurines amazed me.  Everything was life size and realistic and very cool.

Then it was time for our first ride.  It was a little green boat with two rows of seats, Kayden and Kyle sat in the front and me in the back.  The took you around a circle with different fairytale displays made out of Lego's.

He is an adrenaline junky who loves, fast, spin-y and crazy rides.  The higher the better for him, he has no fear!

After Kayden and Kyle finished the ride in the pic above we went to the next ride which was a pedal car.  At some of the rides they had little enclosed play area where the kids can play with Lego's.  Like with the one below, kids could make Lego cars and race them down the ramp.  They also had Lego tables, where the top of the table was a big Lego board.  it really helped keep the kids entertained while the parent(s) stood in line. 

Next is where Kayden got his drivers license.  Eek. 

Hey there, Mister, hands at 10 & 2.
He wouldn't let me get a picture of his drivers license.  :(

We went on a few different rides before the rain came in and shooed everyone to cover.  All the restaurants were packed to capacity and the rides all wide open, no lines.  No one brave enough or interested in riding a completely soaked ride.  Kyle and I discussed going home and coming back another day since we had a two day pass, but decided Kyle to buy an over priced poncho instead (Kayden and I had jackets with hoods) and pray the rain went away soon and it did.  Kyle didn't even have to use his poncho!  Yahoo.

Overall the day was fun, and long.  I will now just include pictures of different rides and things we saw at Legoland.  If there are any stories to share I will include them.

Can you make Kayden out in the top right corner of the stairs?  This was the first ride we let him do all by himself and it terrified me.  What if someone accidentally pushed him down the stairs, what if he didn't know what to do when he got to the top, what if kids cut in front of him and he never got his turn?  So, many questions and concerns, but he did awesome and survived just fine.  He had so much fun that he wanted to do it again.  So, we let him go a second time. 
And there he is sliding down all by himself, with no help what-so-ever.  Makes me a little sad to see him growing up and relying on me less and less.

 He makes it to the bottom, safe and sound! 
His satisfied and happy face!

 The life size SUV I was telling you about.

OH NO, the lion ate Kayden.

And I'll end with another family photo.

Hey, I didn't say it was our family photo!  Haha

Ok, now for a Bryant family photo!

Hopefully another post this weekend sometime.

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