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San Diego

We just got home from a eight night, nine day trip to San Diego, and it was tons of fun! 

It started with us leaving on a plane Saturday morning.  Because our flight was so early, like 6:15 early, we convinced Kayden to sleep in his clothes the night before.  I was shocked at how easy it was to convince him considering he NEVER wears pajama's to bed anymore, just underwear and a white t-shirt, and occasionally his socks.  I guess, to a 3 year old, that sleeping in your jeans and t-shirts is a pretty cool thing to do.

Kayden was too cute.  When I woke him up Saturday morning at 4:30 he didn't really wake up.  I got him to the car before he realized what was going on and said, "Mamma, what are you doing to me?" as I put him in his car seat.  Poor, little guy was so confused. 

So, we got to the airport, he was such a trooper.  Walked the whole way and was so excited to see all the big planes and he searched for a blue one.  All he wanted to do was find a blue plane, something he's been talking about for weeks.  It's currently his favorite color and, actually, his longest running favorite color.  So we, thankfully, found one and it happened to be the same one we were going to fly on.  Yahoo, since I was concerned he wouldn't board the plane if it was a different color.  Seems extreme, but it is true, good chance there would have been a fit if our plane was any other color.

Looking for a blue plane.

Waiting patiently for boarding.

We flew into Long Beach so we could meet up with Nana for a few hours before heading down to San Diego.  Kayden, Kyle and I got to meet the newest cousin to the family, Nixon.  He is five months old and Kayden was so happy to hold him.  I have known for a long time that Kayden loves babies, but he hasn't really had a chance to hold a little one until this trip.  And I had no idea how excited Kayden was to be able to hold a baby.  It was so stinkin' cute.  And I am grateful Nixon's parents, Hailey and Marty, were more than ok with Kayden being so interested in Nixon.  They did really well with Kayden's requests to hold him.  There was even a, "I feed the baby, Mama", when it was bottle time.  I loved seeing how interested Kayden was in caring for this little guy.  All too cute.
Don't let this face fool you, Kayden was thrilled to finally be holding Nixon.  He asked nicely and waited patiently while we positioned him on the couch and put pillows around him so that both, he and Nixon would be comfortable.  I just loved watching this side of Kayden.  So eager and excited to be taking care of this little one.  Just reminds me how much Kayden is always looking out for others. 
If Nixon's cry would have broken glass, Kayden wouldn't have cared.  He would still be holding Nixon tightly, not wanting any of us to take the baby away.

We really enjoyed visiting with Nana and the rest of the family.  Kayden is getting to age where he remembers people.  We showed him pictures of Nana before we left and he recognized her and was excited to see her.  And since returning home, he talks about the lemons he picked at Nana's house.  We made lemonade with them, and they are truly the yummiest lemons!

More of our trip coming, just give me a few days!  Lots of pictures to go through.

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