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San Diego Part Two

On our trip we stopped by Uncle Robby and Uncle Jim's house for a little visit.  We haven't seen them in a over ten years and the visit was long over due. 

This was Kayden, Uncle Robby and Uncle Jim's first time meeting Kayden and it was an instant connection.  Kayden warmed right up to them, which he doesn't generally do and he didn't skip a beat calling them Uncle Robby or Uncle Jim.  Way too cute.

We started the visit off by walking around their house and seeing the changes that have been made to it over the years.  They have had a couple different mud slides and you can see where different parts of the house was affected. 

Uncle Robby shared stories about the different mud slides, animals, and spiders that they have had over the years.  We even saw a lizard outside their house.  It was neat and Kayden enjoyed seeing it.  Those little guys are fast!  A five or six foot gopher snake even showed up at their house while we were there.  It intimidated me and Uncle Jim, but Kayden loved seeing it.
Kayden had fun helping feed the turtles.  Turtles are one of Kayden's favorite things ever since we saw large ones at the Reptile Zoo a few months ago.  So it was neat for Kayden to be able to see some again.

Uncle Robby and Uncle Jim have different fruit trees and Kayden loved being able to pick the different fruits and even ate a lemon segment, which he loved.  Kayden has a high tolerance for sour things and he just happens to love lemons, so it was perfect.
Watching the turtles.
Wearing an Orange hat.

We had a great time at Uncle Robby and Uncle Jim's house.  It was great to catch up with them and visit for a bit.  Their house is a ton of fun.  Kayden was sure not to leave until he helped clean the pool out.  He enjoyed it so much that I am certain he would have done it for hours....if given the time.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a pic of that.  Maybe next time!  
More San Diego posts to come later!

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