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San Diego Zoo

On Wednesday of our trip we headed out to the San Diego Zoo.  This was my one request on our trip.  I remember going as a little kid and wanted Kayden have just as much fun as I did when I was little.

And the zoo did not disappoint.  It was a long day, but so fun.  They have all kids of animals that our local zoos in Washington do not have. 

 Here are some pictures from our trip to the zoo.

 Studying the map so he can show us which direction to go.

This peacock was so beautiful!  I loved seeing it show off it's feathers.

There were a lot of babies at the zoo while we were there and one very pregnant giraffe.  I really wanted this pregnant giraffe to have it's baby while we were at the zoo, but she didn't have it until after we left.  Ugh.
Some fun giraffe facts:
1.  They are pregnant 15 months, poor giraffes.
2. Their babies are around 6 ft at birth, um...ouch!
3.  Their babies are around 150+ lbs at birth, no thank you.

The zoo also had a petting area and Kayden amazed me.  He was so happy to be able to bet these goats and sheep. 

We told Kayden it was time to go, but before we could he had to go around to each goat and touch their ear.  I guess he didn't want to play favorites!

I think this goat was tired of being man-handled so it was playing "sleeping", and Kayden had to tell us to be quiet. And yes, he did get reminded to not put his hands on his mouth until he washed them really well!

Daddy and Kayden on the Skyfari.

Kayden loved these foot massagers.  They vibrated your whole body and weren't comfortable at all to me, but he sure did love them.
Little guy was tired and waiting so patiently for his ice cream.

All right, no family photo's at the zoo.  :(  Next up, The San Diego Safari Park

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