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San Diego Safari Park

Our last big adventure on our San Diego Trip 2013 was the San Diego Safari Park.  It's similar to the zoo, but allows the animals more roaming room and only features animals found in Africa.  A good portion of the park is seen through walking, but they also offer about a 45 minute guided trolley tour. 

And I have to admit, Kyle, Kayden and I were done by the time we made it to the Safari Park.  We got there about an hour after it opened (about 10:30) and at about 1:30 Kyle asked me if I was ready to go soon.  It was hot, our feet hurt, and we were all tired.  So, I think we missed about a third of the park and if we ever go back to San Diego, that will be first on our "to-do" list. 

First up, the Gorillas.
 View of part of the park from one of the view points.


Kayden's only request all day was we get blue cotton candy, thankfully we found some!

 Told you we were done. lol
This little guy was stealing from the feed bucket!
We had a great time on our vacation and I can't wait until our next trip.  Kayden is getting to be the perfect age for different amusement parks and activities.  I love it.

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