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Maple Valley Fire Department

We have a good family friend that is a fire fighter at the Maple Valley Fire Department.  We have been trying to arrange a time for us to go and tour her fire department, but haven't been able to come up with a weekend that works for both of our schedules.  Then last week she contacted Kyle and asked if we would be available on Sunday, and finally, it all worked out....thankfully.

Kayden had fun and loved being there, but was a bit intimidated by the magnitude of everything.  When you stand a whopping 42'' things like fire trucks, ambulances and fire fighter gear is so large and over whelming.  And that is fine, he still enjoyed looking at their wall size map and showing us where we each live and telling Jenny Jones where things were on the map.



Kayden turned down a ride in the firetruck.  Both Kyle and I were disappointed, we wanted to go for that ride in the fire truck!  Maybe when Kayden is a bit older and not so intimidated by the magnitude of all the stuff at the fire station the opportunity will present itself again, and Kayden will jump at the chance.  We can only hope. 

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