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Seattle Aquarium

I posted last Sunday our plans to visit the Seattle Aquarium the next day with my sister and nephew, Collin....well, that didn't happen.

Twelve thirty Monday morning my sister sends me a text saying she was going to have to cancel because my nephew had been up most of the night not feeling well. 

Well, I picked up my phone at 1:00 am to cancel on her because Kayden woke up screaming of an earache, then continued not feeling well by throwing up, which didn't stop until about 6:30 am.  He wasn't feeling well AT ALL.

So, we rescheduled for Friday.  And we went and we had fun.  I had invited a friend of ours, daughter, Emily, and we were happy when she took us up on our invitation.

The aquarium was super busy and we struggled through the crowds, but had a good time anyway.

My nephew hadn't been to the aquarium before so he was so excited to see all the fish and animals they have there!

We had a great day at the aquarium with very few meltdowns, I call that a success.

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