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Mom and Son Night of Fun

The Burien Community Center hosted a Mom and Son Night of Fun last weekend and it was so fun.  They had a DJ, Magician, Mom and Son pictures, and refreshments.  We went with a friend and her son.

 Kayden insisted on getting pictures with the fish and I don't argue if he is willing to get his picture taken.

Kayden wanted a picture of himself and his fish, Joyce, Joyce Freckles and Freckles.
Christian taught Kayden how to break dance.  I didn't realize how much Kayden LOVES to dance.  He melted my heart when he came up to me and asked, "Mama, wanna dance with me?"  I absolutely would, little man!  So, we danced for a bit before he trailed off and wanted to break dance some more.  I am happy with the few minutes I got to dance with my boy.

 Time to refuel.
The magician was really good with the kids.  He was entertaining, magical and comical.  He made jokes the kids could relate to, and kept their attention easily. 
The magician passed out these large dollars to the kids promoting his business and I now see Kayden's dollar is upside down.  Oops.

Kayden didn't want to leave, nor did Christian.  On the way home Kayden says, "I want to go to that again."  I do too, buddy, thanks for being my date for the night.

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