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Uncle Robby and Uncle Jim's Visit

Uncle Robby and Uncle Jim came to visit this past week and Kayden loved having them here as did the rest of us.  As a matter of fact, the day they left Kayden announced, "I wish Uncle Robby and Uncle Jim were still here."  Poor kid missed them already and they weren't even in the air yet!

We enjoyed their company, endless stories of their life experiences and their surprise party for the kids!  It was very sweet of them to throw the kids a party since they can't celebrate their birthdays each year with us.  There was a party for Uncle Robby and Cindy's birthday too.  The boys surprised each of us with beautiful orchids!  We surprised Cindy, Aunt Cathy and Uncle Robby with family pictures, that included the Siegman family and our family. We even FaceTimed Aunt Cathy so we could see her open her birthday envelope and so she could be included in the party festivities!

It was great having dinner with Uncle Robby and Uncle Jim each night and having a family gathering with all of us.  And it maybe have been even more enjoyable since I didn't have to cook!  Thanks for dinner, Cindy!

I neglected to take pictures each day, but was able to capture pictures of the surprise party we had on Cindy's birthday for the kids, Uncle Robby and her.

It was a great visit and it went too fast!  We hope they can visit again soon and share more of their hilarious stories with us.

 Dean was making the party a little more lively.

I didn't hear the story behind the angle food cake covered in green frosting story, but it has to do with Uncle Robby and his love for this cake?

 Charlie's awesome hat Mohawk!
 There's Aunt Cathy joining us via FaceTime.

 The kids were spoiled with tons of toys!


 Kayden wasn't too interested in picture taking.....shocking, I know!
We had a great visit, filled with lots of entertaining stories, great food, and enjoyable company.  We can't wait for the next visit from them!

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