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Playing Outside

We have been having awesome weather the last couple days and we have been enjoying every minute of it.  If this is any indication of what our spring is going to look like, then we are going to be in heaven, enjoying so many days outside on soaking up the sunshine and fresh air all while playing and having a good time.

Kayden seems so much happier when he can play outside and burn off some energy and mama is happy when he is happy, so it's a good deal all around!

So, Friday we were outside playing and I captured a few pictures of him.  Just be prepared for some super cute pictures!


Before we went outside, Kayden said, "Wanna play fly swatter?"  Um, sure, buddy.  I quickly learned fly swatter is running around with a big grin on your face and a fly swatter in your hand.  Sounds fun to me.
He swept the walkway.
Planted his Hot Wheel Flag in the flower bed.
Then we played with sidewalk chalk.  Always so much fun.



We had a great time playing outside and enjoying the sunshine, even if it was a tad bit cold.  We are so excited spring is here.

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